Friday, February 18, 2011


Hard work really pays off.
It feels amazing to really do well.
I mean how many days has it been since I got a rank?
A while I think..
So it felt good when all my marks were close to the highest.

I'll be a fibber if I say I dont like it when people applaud me.
I'll be a fibber if I say I dont like it when people get jealous,
Or when they ask me, "How do you do it?"

Honestly, I dont know. I dont know how this happened.
Yeah, I rise in love.. I always have.
But then, this is contrary to usual observations.
I mean, I've been so distracted.
I've cried and weeped and smiled and been ecstatic.
I've made out with my boyfriend on the day of an exam.

Well, the answer doesnt come to me.
And I dont care much for it.

Well probably I do..

..long story short,
All the slogging, all the burning out and all the hardwork,
Actually paid off.

Topping after a while, felt friggin amazing!
I mean, its not an everyday thing to see people cringe because of my humble marks..
..okay, now Im fibbing.

Anyway, it feels good.
I feel good.
I do.

This time the target,
Finally hit Bull's Eye!

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